It’s Never Dull in Hull | AD

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

This post is in collaboration with The University of Hull but all thoughts, opinions and awkwardness are my own. Oh and phone cameras were still a bit pants back then, so enjoy the photos too! 

Lets kick this off with a whole heap of honesty, I had never heard of or had any idea where Hull was when I decided to go the University of Hull. But the choice to change University via clearing all those years ago is one of the best decisions I ever made. 

I loved my course, met some life long friends, developed a bit of a Northern twang and learned what chip spice is! 

Typewriter Teeth University of Hull Clearing Graduation Image

When I originally applied for University through UCAS I was set to study Marketing & Economics at a different University. I had picked the course because I thought it was the right thing to do rather than a subject I loved and looking back I don’t think I’d have stuck it out.

I studied Business Studies, English Language & Literature and History at A-Level and also took an AS level in Economics. When results day rolled around and I didn’t get the grades need
ed in Business Studies to get into my first University choice it was like a blessing in disguise. 

I just remember floods of tears and feeling like i'd let my parents down when really it wasn’t the end of the world but a chance for me to follow my gut instinct. My best friend and I then began to work our way through UCAS clearing for something I loved, English & Creative Writing. Clearing is the opportunity to change you mind, the way in and a new direction if you do better or worse in your exams than expected.

At this point I had no idea where Hull even was but after reading through what felt like millions of courses the way the University of Hull split their English courses and their syllabus just felt like instantly right, with core subjects I couldn't wait to study and unique subjects and seminars.

Once I’d made the decision of the course I wanted the next step was Clearing and as terrified as I was it felt like such a quick process compared to the first University application. 

It was so simple! I felt instantly welcomed to the University of Hull. I remember crying and snuffling down the phone to a woman called Bethan, desperate to prove myself and for them to take me and she just made everything so simple and set me at ease. It felt like she took my application as me and my passions rather than just grades on a screen. 

From then on I loved every moment living and studying at University of Hull (even the deadlines) and I think way too often that I should do a MA now. I constantly run into people who also studied in Hull and I've yet to meet a person who does not sing its praises. 

Before I moved there I heard a lot of negative comments and I am so glad I took them on the chin! Hull played a huge part in my life and I think it definitely made an impact on me moving back to Yorkshire a few years after University. I just love it up North! 

I could carry on writing about Hull for pages but I am going to attempt to sum it up into three reasons why I felt it was such an amazing place to study and hope you love it as much as I did... 

1. Brynmor Jones Library 

Typewriter Teeth University of Hull Clearing Brynmore Jones Library with snacks

The place I can whole heartily spent most of my time at the University of Hull was its beautiful Brynmor Jones Library. Now this may sound sad to you but we loved that place! 

If you picked the right floor and the right table you had stunning views over Hull to get you through that exam revision or the last 1000 words of that essay. Hull is a beautiful green city and it's possibly the best place to see it from! Yes it was filled with my favourite things ever but it also gave us a place to focus, quiet and meant that we went home to relax and only sometimes stress some more over deadlines.  

Some of my fondest Uni memories are from that library, in the hysterics inbetween essays and presentations we kept each other going with whispers, giggles and British passive aggressiveness at other tables making too much noise. 

2. [W]elly 

I was and still am a Welly and Spiders girl. Not only are they some of the best venues in the UK but they hold a dear place in my heart because by the end of the month I will be going to my second Welly Wedding! Welly vodka is the devil but clearly it knows love when it sees it. 

That club has something for everyone. Thank you for giving people a place for ridiculous dance moves and warming up with indie bangers before running upstairs and requesting 'Wasting Time' by Four Year Strong over and over again. Oh and an ace night out a tenner, Hull definitely has that cheap but sweet vibe and I love it!  

3.  People

There will never be words to describe the love for the people I met in Hull, we learned so much together and I wouldn't have done it any other way. 

I've always been the kind of person to speak to anyone but Northern hospitality is just taking it to the next level. I will always be proud to say that I am an adopted Northerner, say 'Good Morning' to strangers I pass on the street, do anything I can for those in need and say 'Cheers Drive' to confused bus drivers. 

The city is thriving and the University of Hull has introduced me to some of the most intelligent, caring, creative and unique people I have the pleasure of calling friends and I cannot thank clearing enough! 

I love seeing people go from strength to strength and the internet helps us see the beautiful lives that people are carving out. 

It's hard to keep in touch with everyone but walking down the street and catching eyes with someone saying 'Didn't you go the University of Hull?' is one of my favourite conversation starters! 

Did you go through clearing or to the University of Hull? Or are you thinking of going there? Talk to me! I bloody love a Hull chat! 

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