When it comes to organisation I am much more analogue.
I've always kept a paper diary with a love for a to do list, but when I recently finished my trusty moleskine notebook I started rifling through my stationery to find a new notebook.
During lockdown i've loved using the Pomodora method alongside my Leuchtturm 1917 diary through my workday but when it comes to my whole life i'm a little useless. So between bullet journals, planner pads, to-do lists and journals I'm hoping I find the best way to clear my brain a little bit more.
I picked up this beautiful 'minimalist' selection from the The School of Life's notebooks ages ago but have only been utilising one as part of my reading journals. Hopefully I will use these beauties to incorporate more habit tracking or maybe ideas. I've tried using my phone notes for this and it just isn't as satisfying.
This beautiful little personalised number was a gift from Executive Pens Direct and i've yet to write in it. Does anyone else do this? Notebooks are meant to be used!
My dad bought me a new fountain pen recently so I think it may be time to treat myself to some ink and start using this beauty.
This time last year we had the most magical evening at Grimm & Co, an apothecary to the magical based in Rotherham.
A registered charity supporting young people to build confidence and embrace their creativity and writing, Grimm & Co is a beautiful place for children to escape, be themselves and thrive!
After writing stories, mixing potions and a couple of trips down the beanstalk slide we couldn't leave without a good rummage around the shop. From a pinch of happiness to Grandma's scabs we were in total awe of the place! So it makes me so happy to be flooded with every spark of imagination in the that place whenever I look at these notebooks.
A gift from a friend and a Harry Potter quote that 100% reflects my life, a time turner to-do list is the perfect addition to my stationery selection. This beaut is from Fable and Black who often features in my pin collection too!
These two final beauties I bought with aim to split my priorities up, focusing on positives on a weekly and daily basis as well as personal habits, tasks and goals. Helping me to break the working from home day up and visualising my output.
This weekly balance desk pad is made by the ever talented Sighh by Polly Levelling up that work life balance as well bringing focus and a little treat!
Similarly I'm hoping this day pad from The Delicate Rebellion will have a similar effect. I am definitely one of these people who has to get it all on paper and I love the idea of getting into the habit of paying for attention to daily gratitudes. Give me a shout if you're giving new organisation methods ago - I may feed back with which one works best for me.
Love a bit of a stationery haul? Check out a pastel themed haul here.