Curiosity: February's Creative Mornings Sheffield

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Creative Mornings Sheffield

Want to get up early on a Friday morning for a creative kick in the arse? Of course you do. 

Creative Mornings describe themselves as 'a breakfast lecture series for the creative community' with the incredible manifesto 'everyone is creative... everyone is welcome'. 

February’s global theme was Curiosity, a word that can mean many things but what was great was that it was curiosity in Creative Mornings that brought me there. 

Creative Mornings Sheffield

Held on the second floor of the beautiful Sheffield Institute of Arts, Frankly Green + Webb's Lindsey Green led the talk on Curiosity and I left brimming with ideas. 

Frankly Green + Webb are an independent consultancy who work with cultural organisations all over the world to help them achieve their strategic objectives through digital products and services, and that I feel is putting it simply.  Lindsey's talk encouraged us and also our customers, users, audience (whichever applicable) to ask why, and to feel safe and confident enough to do so. 

Creative Mornings Sheffield

This confidence in the curious can lead to learning, inspiration and opportunities and the idea that it is okay not to know. This perfectly entwining with why we were all there. If we had explored all our creativity and knowledge already then we would not be curious. Lindsey telling us to 'embrace the fear and feel it'. 

Creative Mornings Sheffield

I feel like my creativity has being stagnant recently so to meet such talented people achieving so many incredible things was a refreshing start to my work day. Linsey Green was captivating, enthralling and witty and from the anecdotes of Frankly Webb + Green it sounds like they are an incredible company who have achieved amazing things and will continue to do so.

So thanks for the inspiration Creative Mornings Sheffield & Frankly Green + Webb, see you next time.
Find out more at and Frankly Green + Webb here

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